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Monday, April 23, 2018

Never give up!

Imagine if our babies after learning how to walk gave up? Imagine this baby after falling several times saying oh no forget it I can't do this! Can you imagine? We all started of that way and we didn't give up until we could walk and get in trouble lol So now as an adult why is it so easy to give up on our goals/dreams. You are still that determined little person on the inside. Did someone say to you it is not possible. You need to get a job. IT AIN'T gonna work. Sometimes when we are little we get the encouragement they say you can do .but when we go outside the box as we get older we are not so encouraged in fact we are told to just go to school and get a good job. The point is to not give up on you dreams. No matter how silly other people think they are if you believe it and believe you can achieve it then go for it! 

To your success,


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