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Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Insanity Of Society?!

This seriously, is the insanity of society. We are programmed to believe that this is what life is supposed to be. That this is what we are meant to do and if we do it, we are on the right path so tell me something...
If that is the truth, why do so many of you suffer, struggle and spend most of the precious hours of your life away from your family and friends just to bring home a small paycheck?
This is craziness to me now but hey I was there too. It's what I believed as well. When a greater power lead me online to find my True Answer, it's only at that point did I truly understand the insanity of our societies belief system.
Please, everyone, this comes from my heart. Stop falling for this garbage.
Don't you miss being with your family and friends?
You spend a total of almost 8+ hours a day working for someone else, being told what time you have to wake up, what time to shower, to eat breakfast, when you can take a tinkle break, when you can eat lunch, when you can go home.
Then once you're home you're so tired, you eat dinner with your family, spend a small amount of time with your kids, then head to bed yourself to start the routine all over again!
Imagine what it would be like if you would just take that chance and start a business of your own so you can return to the real important things in life, you, your family and true happiness.
People are afraid to try... why? For many reasons but mostly because they live in the "Whifs"! What is that?
Whifs (is what I have always called it) = What if's!
1- What if I can't do this
2. What if I don't understand this
3. What if I fail
Believe it or not, if this is the thinking you allow yourself to live in, then you are creating your life or should I say "not creating it". You have programmed yourself for failure instantly.
It's easier to be told what to do and slave at it losing your precious moments, then taking the chance to change it around.
If you are the type of person to question everything then I have THE PERFECT SOLUTION
Instead of What if'ing yourself like the above make a simple change and say to yourself.
1.What if I CAN do this?
2.What if I DO understand this
3.What if I DO SUCCEED?
Always remember, not ONE SUCCESSFUL person popped out of their mama's belly knowing everything. We all know what we know because we were taught, because we studied until it became 2nd nature. So what would be different about YOU learning how to create and command your own freedom?
The only thing standing in the way of that is not everyone else, it's in your thinking.
So do yourself a favor, do you want to be retired at 65 with a nice shiny watch and a thank you note with no way to survive off of your pension OR
Do you want to take the chance and make a serious change for yourself and your family so you don't have to worry about those things.
Life flashes by fast, most of it spent away from the ones we love to make someone else's life easier so I ask you one more time.....
What is the true insanity here?
Stay Blessed and for Cryin Out Loud Create Your Own Life No Matter How Long It Takes!

Another good nugget from my sponsor Carin

To Your Success,

15 Ways to Get Unstuck and Change Your Life for the Better

15 Ways to Get Unstuck and Change Your Life for the Better
---- Must read pass to your team
It’s simple to say you want to better yourself and change your life, but life changes don’t just fall out of the sky. First things first—you need to get unstuck.
You need to get out of the rut you’ve been in for way too long. Wanting, wishing, hoping and dreaming are just not enough to do that. In order to change your life, you must be willing to change yourself. You must be willing to accept that doing what you’ve always done only results in getting what you’ve always gotten.
If you are truly ready to invest in yourself, to get unstuck and to create the outcomes you desire for your life, these techniques will put you on the right track.
How to Get Unstuck and Change Your Life
1. Take your mask off. Wherever you are right now is the perfect starting place for transformation. So, take your mask off. Instead of buying things you can’t afford, saying things you don’t mean, pretending that everything is perfect and putting on a front to impress others; accept yourself just the way you are. Masquerading is much too stressful and humiliating.
2. Don’t take it personal. No matter what you do in life, you’ll get criticized by someone at some point. This is especially true when you make moves towards changing your life. The quicker you realize that criticism is inevitable, accept it, and stop taking everything personal—the quicker you can breathe a sigh of relief.
3. Stop dragging your feet. You can’t solve today’s problems by putting them off until tomorrow, so stop procrastinating. Once you’ve made a decision about what needs to be done, follow through. Don’t waste another day putting changes on the back burner. The perfect moment may never come, so sometimes you just have to take the plunge.
4. Socialize. Even for introverts who enjoy a significant amount of alone time, some degree of socializing is necessary. Unfortunately, people often respond to life’s difficulties by isolating from others. Bad move! Too much time alone can exacerbate emotional health problems and keep you from changing your life for the better. The times when you feel like isolating or avoiding interaction with others, are often the times when you need that interaction the most. So, don’t shut everyone out and get lost in your head. Get out and about, network, make time for friends and share your world.
5. Live for yourself. You can’t please everyone, and trying to do so will surely keep you stuck. Remember to remain in touch with who you are, refusing to lose yourself in an effort to do what pacifies the crowd. Follow your own path, live for yourself and do what feels right for you. You know you better than anybody.
6. Utilize support system. Doing everything yourself can be a major barrier to success. If you want to change your life, make sure you have a strong support system in place. Ok so you’re self-sufficient. That’s great. But everybody needs help sometimes. Friends, family members, colleagues, physicians, therapists—these may be some of the people that make up your support system. Reach out to them rather than pretending you don’t need help in times of physical or emotional distress.
7. Forgive everyone. Holding a grudge is one surefire way of staying stuck in a rut. If you want to move forward and better yourself, start by forgiving those who have hurt you. Then top it all off by forgiving yourself.
8. Make up your mind. Because over-thinking can lead to sustained stress and unhappiness, it’s important to improve your decision making skills. There will be occasions for planning, analyzing and rethinking; but life is all about striking balance. Too much indecisiveness and second-guessing threatens to thwart all attempts to get unstuck. Make a decision and realize that, even if it doesn’t work out as you hoped, it’s not the end of the world.
9. Get active. Physical activity is great for both the mind and body. It helps to release the brain chemicals responsible for happy feelings while reducing the risk of nasty ailments like heart disease. Despite the temptation to lounge for hours in front of the T.V., get off your ass. Something as simple as a walk around the block can make a world of difference.
10. Look good. This isn’t one for the superficial—this is for everyone. When you look your best, you feel your best. And when you feel your best, you easily attract and create your best life. Give your body a pampering treatment, dress for success and walk with your head held high. Do this even if you aren’t leaving the house. You’ll notice that, at the very least, you feel like there’s a little more pep in your step. This makes a huge difference in the way you feel.
11. Relax your expectations. If you expect others to think and act the way you do, constant disappointment will consume you. Accept that your children, parents, spouse, friends and others are not on this Earth to live for you. Lighten up on them—and don’t forget to do the same for yourself.
12. Compare to yourself. If you must make comparisons, remember to only compare you to you. Ask yourself if you are succeeding at your goals, not the goals of others. Make sure you are happy and successful by your standards, not those of someone else. Your competition is with yourself, so concentrate on being the best you that you can be.
13. Tame your inner critic. The voice inside your head has more influence on the way you feel than nearly anything else. So, don’t get lost in negative self talk. Positive thinking, and positive self talk, will help you to get your inner critic under control and focus on possibilities rather than limitations.
14. Find your bliss. My favorite saying is, “follow your bliss;” but before you can follow it you must find it. Get to know yourself better and discover what it is that you’re passionate about. Find what brings you joy, inner peace and positivity. That’s your bliss! Find it and follow it faithfully.
15. Let go. You can change your life, but trying to change others is futile. Stop trying to control what is outside of your control and redirect that energy to your own self improvement efforts. The best way to have a positive effect on the world is to positively affect yourself.
You’ll have to step outside of your comfort zone if you want to get unstuck, but there are no limits when you’re willing to put forth the effort.
As you contemplate whether or not you are truly ready to change your life, remember this: The improvements in your life perfectly reflect the investments you make in yourself.

This was passed on to me from my sponsor

To Your Success,

Live The Life You Have Imagined

I love this because it's true!
People want an M.B.A. = (Massive Bank Account), however they are clueless on how to create wealth and be R.I.C.H. = (Residual Income Creates Happiness). It's because they continuously surround themselves with H.A.T.E.R.S. = (Having Anger Towards Everyone Reaching Success), and then wonder why they are P.O.O.R. = (Passing Over Opportunity Repeatedly). You can't have a P.R.O.J.E.C.T.S. (People Relying On Just Enough Cash To Survive) type of mindset.
You have to be willing to make that C.H.A.N.G.E. = (Choosing Happiness And Never Giving Excuses) and exercise true F.A.I.T.H. (Finding Answers In The Heart) along with H.O.P.E. (Having Only Positive Expectations) to make that P.U.S.H. (Persistent Until Something Happens)! Sometimes it's okay to be with the right kind of C.U.L.T. (Creating Unique Lives Together) because they can help you eliminate the phrase I C.A.N.T. (I Certainly Am Not Trying) from your vocabulary!
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

I got this from my sponsor Carin

I hope it is a help to you

To Your Success,

The Importance of Getting Your Content Out There

Tip from my sponsor Carin:

So just wanted to share something with you. You will always hear those of us who have been online awhile talk about getting your content out there and be consistent.
The reason for this is simple. The more you put out there, the more you are found.
You have to remember, once these things are in place online and you build and build, they will always remain there unless you take it down.
Over the past few days, I have received notifications from my very first biz op I joined when I started online, that I have referral sign ups.
It made me giggle because when I first started I was getting myself out there anywhere that I could.
I've tried to backtrack to find out where I still have this content that people are finding me and joining my very first opportunity LOL and have been unsuccessful so far.
The point of the story is that in the beginning you take the time to build your content, and later on is when all of that work will work on autopilot for you.
I have had nothing to do with my first opportunity since mid 2013 and yet people are still trickling in.
This is a big part of what autopilot is. So everything you put out there can continue to be found and the more you add daily, the more people will find you.

Hope this helps you,

To Your Success,


Paid VS Free Advertising

Here is a tip from my sponsor 

Paid Vs Free Advertising. This is something I get asked about almost on a daily basis.
"Which one is the best, which one should I start with?"
Well lets weigh these out.
Most of you know my story from when I started online at the end of 2012. I had no money but 27.32 cents to my name so I had to go the long route. Learning how to do this and how to do it with free methods using social media.
It worked well but straight up, it's a lot of work and does not usually yield a return immediately.
Organic Free Traffic is awesome but it takes time and most of all it takes work. Work in learning and work on how to properly present your opportunity to get results.
Now honestly, if I had money right from the get go, I would have used to for paid advertising.
So let's weigh this option.
Paid advertising is the best route to go in order to be able to drive a "high volume" of people to your business. This also is great for people who either can't wrap their head around marketing themselves or don't have the time to put into learn and building slowly.
When doing paid advertising you can actually get more traffic to your business in a much quicker fashion than building it from the ground up using social media methods.
Now there's one more form of advertising I want to throw into the mix here that many people do not talk about however it's more POWERFUL than you know.
Offline Marketing.
What is offline marketing? Exactly that. Advertising your products or services in the real world away from the internet. It can be very easy and very powerful with not much money to invest to get the word out there.
For instance, you can create flyers on your own computer. Print out a bunch. Describe your business and give a website url on it or even a number or email people can reach you at.
Then take them to the local Grocery or Laundromat, community centers and post them on cork boards. There's always people looking on those things. People who need extra cash or just a "way out" of their current situations.
You can get business cards printed up for cheap and leave them at local restaurants, bars lol or wherever they allow you to leave cards.
If you're not good at designing cards, who cares. go to Vista Print online and they have designs for you.
You can also purchase bumper stickers with your website url and simply say something like "Want To Work From Home" and then have your link.
You can create rear window stickers as well. Once you get all of that out there, that's "hands free traffic baby!"
So my honest opinion, if you can afford it right when you start, do some affordable paid traffic and be consistent and do offline marketing. These 2 together can wield you powerful results.
I personally recommend YBR Traffic and Udimi Solo Ad Providers as well as they are very affordable and people do get results using that website. I personally use it as well.
You can sign up for a free account on Udimi if you haven't already and take a look around and research different sellers. You can see who is using what sellers and if you see repeat business, you know that they probably have a good and responsive list.
If you find one and are ready to try it but you are not sure how to write an email ad which is referred to in the industry as a "swipe" that's okay.
Many of them if you message them ahead of time asking them if they can write it for you, a lot of them will as they know what works best with their list.
DON'T GO buying crap traffic from places like Fiverr or any sites that say "hey we'll send 10,000 hits to your website for 10 bucks" don't fall for that. You will never see conversions. It's literally fake traffic! I'll do a write up about those later.
Then when you have time, start building your business presence on social media, build a blog if you like or do Facebook, Youtube, there's so many ways to get you and your biz out there.
So I hope some of this information can help you to move forward a lot quicker in your new businesses.
So to sum it up...
1. Get quality paid traffic if you can afford it
2. Get Offline Advertising going
3. Build your social media presence for long term organic traffic.
heart emoticon you all and STAY BLESSED!

Hope these tips have helped you.
To Your success,

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Real Way To Making Money Online

So basically what I would do from what I have learned and I'm talking about marketing. This will work for any business that you are in and want to market. For those of you that don't have a lot money and I did say not a lot I didn't say no money. What it takes to do this is you need to invest some money. If you don't have any money then I suggest you get a job to help with the marketing or work overtime.

1. Find a product to market. 

This can be any product like from Amazon there are tons of things to promote like affiliate programs, etc. Just don't get any product make sure you love it and believe in it, Something you use. People can tell if you believe in your product or you are just trying to get their money. When you believe in your product your are able to explain it, talk about and share it easily with confidence.

2. You need an Autoresponder

The money is in the list is a true saying. This is the backbone of your business and it is how you generate leads. This will help you to collect people's name and email address.

Definition of an autoresponder: a program that automatically generates a set response to all messages sent to a particular e-mail address.

I'm sure you have come across this before . So an Autoresponder is when you have tried to buy a product and you come to some kind of sales pages not a website. There's a cool video playing and a nice heading and you see a box that is asking for your name and email address. They are offering you a free E-book for example and you put in your name and email address. When you do that you are opting in to their email list. This is what you need to be doing too making your own email list. So then when you opt in now everyday or every 2 days or however many days they set up their Autoresponder they will now be sending you promotions, valuable content or whatever and that is how you turn your leads into sales. So a good autoresponder is GetResponse  it is not free it costs $15.00 a month. But it is free for the first 30 days so take advantage of that and try it for free now.
Very powerful tool all marketers need to have to build your on e-mail list.  Next you need to:

3. Create your own Capture Page

A capture page is the page you see the opt in, sales page on. The tool to use for that is GetResponse because they have the autoresponders, cool captures and  landing pages plus videos to teach you how to do all of this. So a capture page is when you create this page let's say on a health product you like then you could use a video ad some text and you have created your own sales page so this is something that you need. So Getresponse is killing two birds with one stone so to speak. A great investment for your money. So now you have found your product you have your GetResponse autoresponder and capture pages set up now you need to market your capture page link or site .

Here are two ways to market your capture page, product or whatever:

1. Video Marketing

If you are not doing this you are leaving money on the table. Get over your fear of being in front of other people on camera and just do it! It's costing you a lot of money and there are ways to make videos without showing your face. Get training on video and YouTube marketing online.

2. FacebookMarketing 

I'm not talking about spamming on Facebook groups posting your link all of us have done that at one point or another. I'm talking about real training on marketing paid and free to create ads for facebook. So even with your product, captures pages set up and video marketing ,etc  there are way more things you can do to market your business but start with those techniques and you will make money  then move on to something else.

So if this is all confusing and your saying to yourself Sandra can you please take me to one place so that I can absorb this information and teach me all of this step by step. So there is a place you can go to teach you all of this. When you see people making crazy money online everyday they are doing the steps above and more. They have just learned how to upscale their marketing by doing what I've just taught you. They aren't doing anything special except applying what they have learned. If you want to learn more ways to upscale your marketing then click the link below. It's not FREE so if you are a freebie person then this is not for you. Join my team and let's make some real money.

Join my Team and Change Your Life for The Better

To Your Success.