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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Are You Working On Yourself?

One of the things I learned since I have been experimenting with becoming an entrepreneur  and starting a home based business is that you have to work on yourself and your business continuously. It took me 9 years to finally realize I'am doing this all wrong!

Let me introduce myself my name is Sandra Pugh and I'am a single mom. I was married but had to leave my husband due to domestic violence but this is when I realized I wanted to make money from home. I wanted more control of my life, more freedom, more money. 

So I joined a home based business actually I have joined several because I didn't know what I was doing and of course you blame the system and say it's not working. Has this happened to you? But you know what in reality it was me that was not working. What do I mean by that? Well I wasn't promoting the business constantly and consistently and I didn't know how to separate myself to be different or unique from others that may be promoting the same company that I'am with. Are you consistently and constantly putting yourself out there in front of people so that they know what you have to offer? 

I realized It was not my fault I didn't know because most companies will tell you to get your links out there and just promote your link. I realized that yes you do have to get your links out there but there is a better way to do it. Unfortunately most companies do not train their affiliates on how to do this. 

I knew though deep inside that money could be made online because I had done it with EBAY. In fact, that was the first place I actually started making money and it excited me, it motivated me to not give up no matter what. I'm so glad I didn't because I have learned so much since then. It's been over 9 years of me learning and taking chances. I didn't take chances at first because I was scared. I do take more chances now. So you must take chances because it is how you learn. 

I do not jump from program to program any more. I stay with one company and learn about it before I add another. I do believe in having more than one business but not to the point that you can't keep up with them. I'am not going to lye or sugar coat this but it takes hard work, determination, and effort on your part to make this work. You can do IT! Never give up! It does work if YOU work it!

Here is one thing I suggest you do to build your self investment and invest your time in you by developing you and transferring your life wherever you want it to go. You must listen to motivational speakers everyday. It will transform your mindset. There are a lot of famous motivational speakers on YouTube. Right now I'am listening to Les Browne. You can go to YouTube and at the top there is a box with the magnifying glass. It looks like this:

Just type in Les Browne in the box all kinds of videos show but below are the main ones I listen to everyday and it is three parts. I start my day off with all three everyday. 

LES BROWN- Everything you need to know about PURE MOTIVATION ( Part 1)

LES BROWN- Everything you need to know about PURE MOTIVATION ( Part 2)

LESS BROWN Everything you need to know about PURE MOTIVATION Part 3

I hope you have gotten something from this today and if you did please share it. Thank you. 

I have now found something that I'am learning all this and much, much more from. 

                           ==>CLICK Here to check it out now while it's fresh :-)<=

Take care.
See You At The Top!

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